Friday, August 25, 2006

My nth Birthday and a thought

Today is my Birthday and my Birthday resolution is "I will start writing something here or in a diary". Reason for this resolution "Many of the poems that I have composed in past are lost".And sometime I feel a deep thirst for them but in vain as they are lost forever.
What I will write here and what I will hide is very clear. The idea of blogging is to express what i can express and hide what I should hide.
Well time to come to the real thought.Last Friday I read a thought some where, that said "Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent". I have not thought about it in organised way but ceratinly have spent enough time analying different situations of my life where I have felt it. No doubt that the thought holds good for all of us in all conditions. Why it holds good can be explained in a single sentence and that is "Its you who will feel inferior and if you do not permit yourself to feel it then you have won the battle". An interesting extension of this thought is "What are the pros and cons of you feeling inferior". I am sure that certainly there are few points those we can write in both positives and negatives but I do not want to pen it.
Instead I would like to write about an incident where I had lost by feeling inferior. When I came for my graduation to Warangal, in first few days I realised that I was among very few those know absolutely nothing about computer. And I managed to convince myself that all others are far ahead than me and its extremly difficult for me to come in parallel with others.Fruther it was always there in my mind that I have to enjoy every moment of REC. Consequently I started feeling inferior and that resulted in loosing faith in my skills. It continued for almost two and half years and when I somehow managed to come out of it unknowingly it was too late.
What I lost there and how I managed after my graduation is another story but I learnt my lesson hard way.


Birla said...

Birthday wishes from all of us and wish you tons of happiness.

BTW just thinking about your thoughts, everyone in there life goes through these phases and different people behave in different ways to overcome it. There is an intresting thing about human beings that we have a tendency to think that we are different. We cook up tons of reasons to claim our uniqueness compared to other species, other humans and anything else in sight. Only if we had less inhibitions we would have realized how similar we are and the concept of superior and inferior vanish.

Simply Living Hardly Thinking@

Kautuk said...

Hey KK,

Nice beginning Yaar... I still remember the days when you used to read your poems to me sitting on the staircases in the hostel blocks. I wish those days can return once more. Your resolution to write regularly and keep a track of your creations is the first step towards fulfillment of my wish :-)

I concur with the thought you covered in your first blog but still I admit we humans are vulnerable. Sometimes very daring incidents in our lives wont make us feel inferior and sometimes very small incidents can make us go through inferiority and then introspection. I guess the difference lies in the level of self confidence and self esteem you hold at a particular point in time. Higher the confidence less is the vulnerablity.

Waiting for your poems.. whome I have always loved.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on this brand new beginning. Good to see you writing, Krishna - so here comes the one from our family joining me in this field :)

The thought is the best ever one can imaging for oneself and it always helps. Keep writing such good words!!